Secrets to Successful Discus Fish Keeping: A Practical Guide

Discus fish (lat. Symphysodon) is an incredibly beautiful fish with very unusual body shape. The discus fish is often called a king of freshwater tanks and not in vain. Large, impossibly bright fish with lots of different colorings… so why not a king? Discus is leisured and stately as the king should be. This peaceful and graceful fish draws aquarists’ eye like no other can.

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he Art of Firemouth Cichlid Keeping: Advanced Techniques

The firemouth cichlid, also known by its scientific name Thorichthys meeki, is a popular freshwater fish species in the cichlid family. It is native to Central America, particularly Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala. The firemouth cichlid gets its name from the bright red coloration on its throat and lower jaw, which can be displayed during courtship or territorial displays. Firemouth care popular among hobbyists due to their attractive appearance, interesting behavior, and relatively easy care requirements.

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