The Complete Guide to Comet Goldfish Care: From Setup to Maintenance

Comet is one of artificially bred ornamental tank goldfish, which has a classical elongated body (not an oviform shaped like all other representatives of this kind have) and a long tail. Comet goldfish are a specific variety within the goldfish species, characterized by their elongated body shape and long, flowing tails. They are often referred to as “comets” due to their swift and agile swimming abilities. Comet goldfish are highly popular among fish enthusiasts for their striking colors and graceful appearance.

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Discover 13 Dazzling Goldfish Breeds: Your Guide to Variety

Over the years goldfish (lat. Carassius auratus) has been the most popular, renown and favorite tank fish among aquarists. This is the fish that set the stage for aquarium husbandry appearance. In this article you will find detailed history of how the first goldfish was bred as well as how to keep, feed, care and breed the fish. All breeds are also described, we added photos of them and a short list of their distinctive features.

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