Small in Size, Big in Personality: Pictus Catfish Care

Pictus catfish (lat. Pimelodus pictus) is a tank fish of average size, it is a member of the catfish family Pimelodidae. Pictus catfish are popular among aquarium hobbyists due to their unique appearance and peaceful nature. Further in the article, you’ll find out how to keep pictus catfish, feed it, select tank mates, and breed it.

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Small but Spectacular: Pygmy Corydoras Care Tips

A lot of new catfish species of Corydoras genus has appeared recently. Pygmy corydoras (lat. Corydoras pygmaeus) is one of them. It is an amazing, small fish, that got its name due to its tiny size. This species are not as brightly colored as other fishes, but its size is its sufficient advantage. It allows keeping pygmy corydoras even in nano tanks.

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Bristlenose Plecos: Tank Setup and Care

Ancistrus is one of the most spread species in the family Loricariidae, it’s a very popular tank fish, in the aquarium trade where they are known as bushynose or bristlenose catfish. Both beginners and experienced aquarists know about it and keep it. Bristlenose pleco has caught such close interest due to its features: the fish is called a “tank cleaner”, it’s easy in care, its behavior is quite extraordinary, its cupule-mouth structure makes it remarkably different from a number of other fishes.

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