Keeping Molly Fish: A Step-by-Step Care Guide

Mollies is a small group of live-bearing fish of the Poecilia genus (earlier, they were included with Mollienesia genus). They are rather popular and undemanding aquarium fish that even beginner aquarists can deal with. Due to selective breeding programs, many new variations were obtained, with different coloring and body shapes. They are all widespread and renowned tank dwellers, though quite often, they look very different. This is all due to their peacefulness, endurance, unpretentiousness, inexpensiveness, and easy breeding. Molly fish differ only in size and color, but the info about breeding, keeping, compatibility is the same for all of them.

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The Complete Guide to Pterophyllum Scalare Care

Angelfish (lat. Pterophyllum scalare) is a fish kind of Cichlidae family. They are one of the most popular and widespread aquarium fishes. This is a large, gluttonous fish that feeds on fish juveniles and prawns, even though it is rather good-looking and has quite an interesting behavior. It is large with high and flattened from sides body of rather varied coloring – all these made angelfish one of the most spread and popular fishes among aquarists. However, it’s important to note that some fish may be more aggressive or territorial, so it’s crucial to choose tankmates carefully. Proper care, suitable tank conditions, and a balanced diet are essential for keeping angelfish healthy and thriving.

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