Keeping Snakehead Fish: Easy Tips for a Successful Aquarium

The snakeheads (lat. Channidae) are members of freshwater ray-finned fishes family from an Anabantiforme order. The fish got its name due to the similarity of its scales and head shape with a snake one. There are two genuses known, which exist nowadays, and one extinct genus. The species are encountered in equatorial Africa (Parachanna genus) and South, South-East, East Asia (Channa genus); some kinds of Channa genus were introduced into North America.

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Exploring the species of Anubias: A Diverse Aquatic Plants

Anubias is an inconsiderable in number genus of tropical aquatic (paludal) plants of Araceae family. This family also includes cryptocorynes to which we have already devoted a separate article. What these plants have in common, is their ability to grow both under water and in semi-submerged state. In the wild Anubias species grow in their emersed state most part of the year and only during the rain season the plants get completely submerged.

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Clown Knife Fish: An Introduction to a Unique Species

Chitala ornata, commonly known as the Clown Knife Fish or Clown Featherback, is a popular freshwater fish species among aquarium enthusiasts. Is a large fish with an unusual body shape. The fish is kept in home aquaria due to its uncommon appearance. However, keeping this fish has some peculiarities about which you will find out from our article.

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