Hoplo catfish (Megalechis thoracata) is a freshwater aquarium fish from the Callichthyidae family (armored catfishes). This is an undemanding and peaceful (which is a rare case among catfish), good-looking fish. Black hoplo catfish is one of the most popular aquarium catfish species. Further in the article, you’ll find out how to keep hoplo catfish, feed it, select tank mates, and breed it.
Aquarium fishes: Catfishes
All About Sun Catfish: Size, Care, and Ideal Habitat
The sun catfish (lat. Horabagrus brachysoma), which is also known as eclipse catfish, can often be seen in tanks nowadays, though it’s not a fish for everyone. This article has information about how large the fish can grow and who it represents danger to.
Corydoras Adolfoi: A Complete Care Guide
Adolfo’s catfish (lat. Corydoras adolfoi) is a small-sized, brightly colored, and peaceful aquarium catfish. This fish has quite recently appeared in tanks of aquarium fish fanciers, and it is less popular than other Corydoras species. Adolfo’s Cory is a peaceful species that can be kept with other peaceful fish species of similar size and temperament. They are well-suited for community aquariums, alongside other small, non-aggressive fish like tetras, rasboras, and dwarf cichlids.
The Marvelous Julii Cory: A Care Guide for the Curious Aquarist
Julii cory (Corydoras julii), is a typical representative of this fish kind. It is a peaceful, schooling, and omnivorous freshwater fish. This article will tell you about fish in detail – where the fish dwells, whether it is a difficult fish to keep, how to create proper tank conditions to the fish, how to select tank mates and how to breed the fish.