Staurogyne repens is one of the most fascinating and enduring aquarium plants. It has thick coarse leaves of saturated green color. This is a small plant, so it will perfectly do for decoration of the tank front side and its middle as well as to create some focus points to draw the observer’s attention. Staurogyne repens is appreciated for its vibrant green color, compact growth habit, and ease of cultivation, making it a favored choice for aquascaping and creating lush underwater landscapes.
Aquarium plants
Marimo Moss Care for Beginners: Simple Steps for Successful Moss Ball Keeping
Marimo moss ball (Aegagrophila linnaei) is not one of aquatic higher plants, it is not even a moss. It is a type of algae that provided with some specific conditions becomes a ball-shaped one. Marimo moss balls gained popularity among aquarists due to their unusual shape, unpretentiousness, the ability to dwell in various tanks and purify the tank water at the same time. However, there are several rules you should follow to avoid any issues when keeping this algae in a tank. You will find out what these rules are from our article today.
Egeria Densa: An Overview of a Popular Aquarium Plant
Brazilian waterweed (Egeria densa or Elodea densa, Anacharis is an outdated name of the genus, but in the USA and in Canada it is still used) is one of the oldest and the most renowned aquarium plants. Egeria densa is a good plant for beginner aquarists, besides its high growth rate it helps easily settle a biological balance in a new tank.
Thriving Underwater: Best Beginner Plants for a Healthy Aquarium
When I decided to write an article about the best aquarium plants for beginners, first of all I’ve studied the ones that Google search provided me with. You can’t imagine, how I was surprised – it’s been quite a while since I’ve read so many ridiculous ideas and tips. Large part of the plants which are recommended for beginners in those articles, are challenging to keep even for experienced aquarists. I know it, since I’ve tried doing this many times and not always it was a success.