Guppy fish (lat. Poecilia reticulata) is a renowned tank fish. Even people who are not into aquarium husbandry know about this fish, not to mention aquarists. Each of them has surely had a guppy fish in a tank even just once. Some aquarists started their hobby from buying a couple of fish and even now they have some splendid selective breeding species. To answer all the questions about this fish we’d have to write a book, but we’ll try to discuss the most common ones here, in this article.
Aquarium fishes: Livebearers
Beginner’s Guide to Swordtail Fish Care: Easy Tips for Success
Swordtail fish (lat. Xiphophorus hellerii) is one of the most famous and spread tank fishes. In general this fish is quite peaceful and it can inhabit in a common tank. Though each fish may have its own temper, which can be both timid and shy or aggressive and blusterous. This is especially true for males. They can be aggressive towards each other.
Platy Fish Care Made Easy: Keep Your Fish Happy and Healthy
Unpretentiousness, beauty, various coloring patterns, easy to breed – this is all about platy fish (lat. Poecilia). This fish is like guppy, swordtail fish, molly fish – it is a live-bearing one, i.e. it carries eggs inside its body and spawns completely formed ready to swim juveniles. In this article we’ll tell you about platy fish care and breeding.
Keeping Endler Guppies: Tips for a Vibrant and Thriving Aquarium
Endler guppy or Endler’s livebearer (lat. Poecilia wingei) is a very good-looking fish and a close relative of common guppy fish. It has become famous due to its small size, peaceful temper, appealing appearance, and unpretentiousness. Despite that this kind has quite recently become available to aquarists, its tiny size, bright coloring, and demandingness have made the fish popular. Let’s study it in detail.