The Bolivian Ram (Mikrogeophagus altispinosus), also known as the Bolivian Butterfly or Bolivian Ram Cichlid, is a popular aquarium fish known for its vibrant colors and peaceful temperament. Bolivian ram cichlid (lat. Mikrogeophagus altispinosus) is a small, good looking and peaceful cichlid. Keeping bolivian ram is quite easy, it is a proper choice for community tanks. The fish is a bit more aggressive than its relative – ram cichlid, though if comparing it with cichlid species in general it’s not aggressive at all. Its behavior is meant more to scare the other fish, not no attack or hurt.
Aquarium fishes: Dwarf cichlids
Cockatoo Cichlids: A Comprehensive Care Guide for Aquarists
The cockatoo cichlid (lat. Apistogramma cacatuoides) is one of the easiest dwarf cichlids to keep, however it’s not the most spread one among the aquarists. It’s difficult to tell why it happened so, – possibly it’s the order of the day now or it’s about the fact that this fish is higher priced. But it is likely to be about the fry color which is inconspicuous and which doesn’t hit the eye considering all the motley of the market.
Caring for Ram Cichlids: A Step-by-Step Guide
German blue ram (lat. Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) is a small, good looking, peaceful fish. Although it was discovered 30 years later than it’s relative bolivian ram (Mikrogeophagus altispinosus) but it is a butterfly cichlid that is widely known and sold. Though, both these cichlids are dwarf ones, the ram cichlid is smaller in size then the bolivian ram and it growth up to 5 cm of body length. In the wild this fish is a bit larger – about 7 cm in length.