X-ray fish (lat. Pristella maxillaris) is a fish kind of Characidae family. This is the only species of Pristella kind. The fish is a perfect choice for beginner aquarists, it is very undemanding and it can live in water with various parameters.
Aquarium fishes: Characins
Diamond Tetra Care Guide: Essential Tips for Keeping Your Fish Happy and Healthy
The diamond tetra (Moenkhausia pittieri) belongs to Characidae family. The fish got its name due to its opalesque scales, that are especially beautiful at dim light. However, to see the full richness of the coloring you’ll have to wait, since the juveniles are quite plainly colored. Overall, the Diamond Tetra is a stunning and active fish that can be a beautiful addition to a well-maintained community aquarium. With proper care, they can thrive and bring a sparkling touch to your aquatic setup.
The Beginner’s Guide to Buenos Aires Tetra Care
The Buenos Aires tetra or red cross tetra, scientifically known as Hyphessobrycon anisitsi, is a popular freshwater fish species in the aquarium trade. Buenos Aires tetra is not a picky one at all, it lives long and is easy to breed. The fish is quite hardiest and adapts well to most of tank water parameters and so it doesn’t require any special keeping conditions. This is a perfect fish for beginner aquarists. However, it has some peculiarities in terms of keeping you have to know to keep the fish successfully. This and many other information you will find in our article.
Bloodfin Tetra Care: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating the Perfect Habitat
Bloodfin tetra (lat. Aphyocharax anisitsi) is a small and active fish of Characidae family. These freshwater fish are perfect for beginner aquarists, since it excellently stands a wide range of tank water parameters. They can live at lower temperatures, than other tropical fishes. Some aquarists even keep them in tanks without heaters at room temperature.