Alternanthera Reineckii Care Guide: Tips for Growing and Maintaining this Vibrant Aquatic Plant

Alternanthera reineckii is a very appealing long-stalked plant with the leaves which color varies from rose-red to dark-violet. Its shoots trailing along the water surface can be quite long. The plant looks great as part of various aquascapes and as a rule it is used as a focusing point. In its habitat Alternanthera reineckii and its dwarf form called ‘mini’ grow as a paludal plants, but under the conditions of mild climate they are grown only in tanks.

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Hygrophila Pinnatifida in Planted Tanks: Care Tips and Guide

Hygrophila pinnatifida is a plant that has been known for over than 150 years, although it had been cultivated as a tank plant only since 2008. However, up to now the plant is still rather rare species. Hygrophila pinnatifida is a captivating and versatile aquatic plant that originates from Southeast Asia. It belongs to the family Acanthaceae and is highly sought after by aquascaping enthusiasts for its unique appearance and growth pattern.

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Blyxa Japonica: Adding Movement and Flow to Your Aquarium

Blyxa japonica is a very popular plant among aquascaping fans. It always draws the eye due to its thick bright rosette. One may say that Blyxa japonica forms hillocks with tangles: it has a stem about 10 cm long with light green leaves that grow in all directions. These hillocks can be placed both in a center of the composition – as a focal point and along its sides making the whole composition look more extensive. Blyxa japonica can be also cultivated as a ‘carpet’ with high stems.

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Cryptocoryne: Tips and Tricks for Successful Cultivation

Cryptocoryne is one the most spread and popular tank plants. It is famous for a great variety of its species, forms, colors and sizes. Most of species renowned among aquarists are rather enduring and undemanding and can be recommended for beginners. Cryptocorynes have lots of various shapes, colors and sizes. Their size may vary from several centimeters to half of the meter; coloring – from yellow to brown; leaves can be both straight and smooth, waved or spiral shaped. However, there is a big mess in classification of species. There is a problem with identification of cryptocoryne species and how they differ from each other.

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