Zebra otocinclus (Otocinclus cocama) is one of the smallest catfishes from Loricariidae family. It will tirelessly help you fight with algae in a tank. However, it is more seldom encountered in aquariums than Otocinclus affinis.
Aquarium fishes: Catfishes
Creating an Ideal Environment for Banjo Catfish: Size and Tank Setup
Banjo catfish (Bunocephalus coracoideus) is very seldom encountered in home aquaria. However, it looks very unusual and it will definitely gain popularity in future. In North America the fish is usually called banjo catfish due to its similarity with a musical instrument banjo, while in Latin America – this is a Guitarrita catfish, which implies that the body shape resembles a guitar.
Size Matters: A Guide to Redtail Catfish Care and Keeping
Redtail catfish (lat. Phractocephalus hemioliopterus) got its name due to its bright orange tail fin. This is a good looking, but very large and predatory catfish, that yet is being kept in tanks. It can be seen on sale quite often as well. The redtail catfish grows very large even in small tanks. You’ll need a very roomy tank to keep this fish. It’s a predator, therefore everything it can swallow will be eaten and it can eat quite a lot.
Panda Cory: The Perfect Community Aquarium Fish
Panda cory (Corydoras panda) is one of the most glamorous catfish among Corydoras species. This is a peaceful, not demanding, schooling freshwater fish. It eats all types of food and behaves very actively in a tank.