The Ultimate Harlequin Rasbora Care Guide for Beginners

Harlequin rasbora (Trigonostigma heteromorpha) is a small, peaceful and good-looking tank fish. Overall, harlequin rasboras are a great choice for community aquariums, adding beauty and activity to the tank with their vibrant colors and peaceful demeanor. Below in this article you’ll find out how to keep it, care about it and about breeding.

Harlequin rasbora (Trigonostigma heteromorpha)

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Bala Shark Care: Water Parameters and Tank Setup

The Bala shark, also known as the tricolor shark or silver shark, is a freshwater fish species that is popular among aquarium enthusiasts. Aquarists value the fish for its size, likeness to a shark, aggregative behavior, and ability to live together with any tank mates of a similar temper and size. However, bala sharks actually aren’t sharks and have nothing in common with them. Tricolor shark belongs to the family Cyprinidae, which includes carps and minnows.

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Discovering the Beauty of Rosy Barbs: Care and Keeping

The rosy barb (lat. Pethia conchonius) is one of the most beautiful barb species. Another good thing about the fish is that it’s not demanding, good-tempered, and it is interesting to watch it in a tank since it moves all the time. These qualities have made the fish one of the most renowned fishes among beginning aquarists. In this article, we’ll tell you about rosy barb keeping, breeding, and feeding.

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