Red Tail Shark: Your Ultimate Care Guide

Red tail shark (Epalzeorhynchos bicolor) is a freshwater aquarium fish from Cyprinidae family. The red tail shark is definitely not for community tanks due to its aggressive behavior towards its tank mates. It’s quite unusual and not demanding fish that attracts attention with its rare body coloring – contrasting combination of almost black and red colors.

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Secrets to Successful Discus Fish Keeping: A Practical Guide

Discus fish (lat. Symphysodon) is an incredibly beautiful fish with very unusual body shape. The discus fish is often called a king of freshwater tanks and not in vain. Large, impossibly bright fish with lots of different colorings… so why not a king? Discus is leisured and stately as the king should be. This peaceful and graceful fish draws aquarists’ eye like no other can.

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The Ultimate Harlequin Rasbora Care Guide for Beginners

Harlequin rasbora (Trigonostigma heteromorpha) is a small, peaceful and good-looking tank fish. Overall, harlequin rasboras are a great choice for community aquariums, adding beauty and activity to the tank with their vibrant colors and peaceful demeanor. Below in this article you’ll find out how to keep it, care about it and about breeding.

Harlequin rasbora (Trigonostigma heteromorpha)

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