Your Complete Guide to Green Spotted Puffer Care & Keeping

Green spotted puffer fish (Dichotomyctere nigroviridis) is a unique fish. Its back has saturated green color that contrasts beautifully against its white abdomen. The uncommon body shape and its pugdog-like face, protuberant eyes and little mouth add even more unusualness to the fish appearance. Green spotted puffer behavior is also quite far from the one peculiar to other fishes – it’s a very playful, active and curious fish. You may also say that the fish has a personality – it recognizes its owner and becomes very active when it sees him.

Green spotted puffer (Dichotomyctere nigroviridis)

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Tank Maintenance Tips: Keeping the Fahaka Puffer Habitat Clean and Healthy

The fahaka puffer (lat. Tetraodon lineatus, Arabic: فهقة) is a large puffer that can’t be seen in aquarist tanks quite often. This is a freshwater fish which in the wild inhabits in the Nile river and also it’s known as nile puffer. All tetraodon fishes have strong teeth and puffer uses them to tear the pieces from its tank mate bodies. It’s worth mentioning that keeping fahaka puffers can be challenging and is generally recommended for experienced fishkeepers due to their specific needs and aggressive behavior.

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Betta Fish Care: A Comprehensive Guide to Creating the Ideal Habitat

Betta fish or siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens) has been well known and popular among aquarists for quite a long time. Betta fish are renowned for their striking and vibrant colors and can thrive in smaller aquariums compared to many other fish species. This makes them a popular choice for people who have limited space or prefer to keep a fish as a desk or tabletop pet. Due to their hardiness and adaptability, betta fish are often recommended as starter pets for beginners in the fishkeeping hobby. They can tolerate a range of water conditions and are generally more forgiving in terms of care mistakes.

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