Phoenix rasbora (Lat. Boraras merah) is a kind of ray-finned fish of the Boraras genus. Boraras merah is an extremely good-looking nano fish that is really popular among aquarists due to its schooling behavior, peaceful temper, and small size. This tiny fish is very friendly, and it is perfect for nano tanks. It even can be kept with all dwarf shrimps without risk!
Keeping Neon Rainbowfish: Care Tips for a Vibrant and Lively Species
Dwarf neon rainbowfish (Melanotaenia praecox) is a rather popular aquarium fish kind. They are popular among aquarium enthusiasts due to their stunning appearance and active nature. It got the name due to the coloring which contains all colors of rainbow in the most unusual and unexpected combinations. Nowadays there are 72 rainbowfish kinds known. All of them inhabit in Australia and neighboring islands.
Creating the Perfect Home: Striped Panchax Keeping Made Simple
The striped panchax (Aplocheilus lineatus) is a tropical freshwater aquarium fish that belongs to the genus Aplocheilus. Wild striped panchax killifish has a rather unpretentious coloring – bronze-colored body, reddish fins, and some dark vertical stripes near its tail. However, due to breeders’ efforts, a golden-colored variation of the fish was obtained – golden striped panchax. It is considered the most popular nowadays.
Discovering the Beauty of Indian Glass Fish: Care Tips Included
Indian glass fish (Parambassis ranga) is a fish with a unique feature – it has transparent scales which enable seeing its innards and bones. Such an unusual river dweller was bound to attract aquarists since Indian glass fish is one of the most uncommon aquarium fishes.