Apple snail (Ampullariidae sp.) is a large, bright and very popular tank snail. The term “apple snail” generally refers to a group of large freshwater snails belonging to the family Ampullariidae. The most common name the snail has – mystery snail and golden apple snail; since it can be of different colorings, correspondingly it has different names. However, don’t be confused with such a variety of names. All species despite their differences in appearance are alike in their behavior and care.
Aquarium snails
The Ultimate Guide to Freshwater Aquarium Snails
Aquarium snails are everywhere in aquarist’s live – they inhabit in all types of tanks and sometimes they appear in the places, where it seems to be impossible. Let’s try to make a long story short and gather some information about the kinds described earlier, so then you can choose what’s interesting especially for you.
Maintaining a Snail-Free Aquarium: Tips and Tricks
Quite a lot of aquarists beginners face the problem of how to control snails population in a tank, when their number becomes too big. So, two questions rise simultaneously: how to get rid of these snails and where did they come from? Well, if you haven’t put them into the tank on purpose, they could have got into it together with the bought tank plants whose leaves might have had snails eggs on them.
Creating the Perfect Habitat for Assassin Snails
Assassin snail (lat. Anentome helena (formerly Clea helena)) comes from South-West Asia, it’s often called an killer snail. Assassin snails are small freshwater snails that are highly sought after for their ability to control unwanted pest snail populations in aquariums. So, if your tank has been occupied by snails, Anentome helena – is one of the most popular and efficient ways to get rid of tank snails.